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Mindful Meditation

Weekly meditation sessions to help calm the mind and ease the heart. 


Meditation is all about the breath. It's important to always begin by focusing on the breath, a natural and always available aspect of our being. Whether you're new to meditation or have been practicing for years, focusing on the breath is the foundation of a beneficial practice. So take a moment right now, wherever you are, and focus on your breath. Take a slow and deep inhale, and then exhale slowly. Repeat a few times and notice the difference it can make in your mental state and overall well-being.


"Just Breath"

Guided 5 Minute Meditation 


Begin with getting comfortable. 

Close your eyes.

Spine centered, back straight, hands resting comfortably in your lap.

Begin with the breath. 

Breathe deeply and intently through your nose and out through your mouth.

Inhale with purpose and exhale with ease. 

Repeat for one full minute. 

Once you are settled, take the next 4 minutes to release any tension, heartache, resentment, pain, shame, regret, anger, disappointment, hate, fear, uncertainty, and gloom. 

Release through your breath.

Now that the release of emotions has been done, it is time to open your eyes.

Take a deep breath and live. 


"Give yourself grace, always remember that" 


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